
In a few words :

I am @maxpertici, Theme Developer at Whodunit. I live and work from Forcalquier. I am Opquast certified and and i always tinker with a small project on the side.

Sometimes, i publish plugins :

˗ Block Revealer
˗ Menu Item Types

Forcalquier, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France.

Theme Developer

I proudly work at Whodunit, a 100% WordPress and 100% remote agency.

Some latest projects I worked on:

Block Revealer

Hightlight your blocks and stop clicking everywhere to find them. Reveal your blocks with a new keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Alt + R) or with the button in the top bar.

About Me

I first encountered WordPress in late 2009. At that time, it was WordPress 2.8 Baker. I was starting to code PHP.

Studying in audiovisual, I quickly drifted towards graphics, then the Web. Largely self-taught, during all these years, I have not only worked as a developer, particularly as a freelancer. Along the way, I have enjoyed working on many topics, both small and larger.